Go to View - Browser Windows - Actor Classes
Now go under NavigationPoint - PawnCloner and click SumacPawnCloner
After youve selected the SumacPawnCloner in the Actor Class Browser go back to your level and right click where you want to add the German and select "Add SumacPawnCloner Here" It should add a headless person to the level. Some times nothing will appear or you will need to save the map before it appears. Press F4 to open the properties for the actor you just added to the map. In the properties go under PawnCloner and where you see "CloneArchetype" Click the green plus to the right of it. After clicking the plus a new option will appear that will say None in it. Open your Generic Browser up at this point (Just click the magnify glass next to the word none) In the generic browser there will be a number of different folders and it will likely take you to the Pacakges folder. Scroll up to and extend the character folder. Under the character folder look for "char_archetype" Fully load this package (Right click it and say fully load) Go under the DE part of the package and you should get a bunch of yellowish boxes appear to the right. Each of these is a different type of German and will have different attributes, weapons, and will look slightly different. Select any of your choosing and go back to your SumacPawnCloner actor properties. Once there go back to the CloneArchetype area that you added recently and click the green arrow next to the box that says none. If you had the German archetype selected in the Generic browser your SumacPawnCloner should change to look like a German and will now have a head.
Now you will need a bit of Kismet to get your German up and running. Keep the SumacPawnCloner selected and open the Kismet screen up. Right click anywhere in the empty area and select "New Obj Var Using SumacPawnCloner_0" A little pink circle will appear. Now right click again in the empty space and go to New Action - Actor - Pawn Cloner Link A box will appear with a new pink circle attached to its spawned. Now click and drag the mouse from the pink square below the word Clone Points on the Pawn Cloner Link to the Pink Circle you created earlier for the SumacPawnCloner actor. A line should connect it. Righ click again in an empty space in kismet and go to New Event - Level Loaded and Visible Now click on the black box on the "Out" for the level loaded and visible kismet action and link it to the Spawn Actor for the Pawn Cloner Link. Only one more step to get the German up and into a murdering machine! Right click in an empty spot again in kismet and go to New Action - GBXAI - Create Fire Team. Now connect the Pawn Cloner Links "Finished" box to the Create Fire Teams "In" Box. Under the properties for the Pawn Cloner Links make sure to check "bActivatePawnOnSpawn" Now link the pink cirlce with the 3 question marks that was made when you created the Pawn Cloner Link action in kismet and link it to both the "Members" and the Leader Box for the Create Fire Team. If you have more than one German your setting up you should only link one of them up to the "Leader" Box and have them all linked to the "Members" Box. Here is a picture of what the Final Kismet should look like. (Click for bigger image)
Some notes for the kismet:
You can use a lot of different actions to make your Germans spawn besides the "Level Loaded and Visible" one. Most of the maps in BIA were set up to use Trigger Volumes to make them spawn when the player passes through the volumes.
If you have any questions or if anything within this tutorial is unclear feel free to email me at